Ladefuchs app
HOW MUCH IS THE ELECTRICITY FOR YOUR EV CAR?Find the cheapest charging plan fast as lightning.
With just one finger swipe, Ladefuchs shows you the cheapest charging plan at the charging point.
Not more, not less.
Thanks to, the data is always up to date.
The app is free. However, the little Ladefuchs (Chargefox) is always happy like a young badger about food donations.
He always cheeps a bit then.
The app is targeted to the German EV charging market and in German language only currently.
Who is actually to blame?
* Malik & Flowinho of
* Bastian ’Schlingel‘ Wölfle of
* Dominic Wrege
* Thorsten Roesler
* Illu: Aga und Marcel-André
Ideas? Bugs?
Plese send to [email protected]
If you have suggestions for foot note texts, let us know at
* Non-Free Network Services - The app accesses an own API server, which in turn retrieves data from
* INTERNET - Acces to own API server
* ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - Check whether internet connectivity is available before trying to access the API server