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Sefaria for Android

6.0.12 GPL-3.0-only

Torah, Tanakh, Mishnah, Talmud, and more

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Sefaria app

Sefaria delivers 3,000 years of Jewish texts (Torah, Tanakh, Mishnah, Talmud, and more) to your smartphone. All texts in the library are available in Hebrew along with a growing body of English translations. Search by keyword or browse the table of contents to explore texts, translations, and commentaries. Plus - the entire library can fit on your phone (500MB) so you can learn while you’re offline.


  • Calendars for reading Parashat HaShavua, Daf Yomi, 929, Rambam Yomi and Mishnah Yomit
  • Offline access to all texts and connections in Sefaria's library.
  • Nine Torah commentaries in English: Rashi, Sforno, Or HaChaim, Rabbeinu Bahya, Rashbam, Siftei Chachmim, Chizkuni, Tur HaAroch and Rabbeinu Chananel
  • Over 50 commentaries on Tanakh including Ibn Ezra, Ramban, Abarbanel, Kli Yakar, Alshich, Haamek Davar, Malbim, Shadal, Radak, Ralbag and Gur Aryeh
  • Over 15 Mishnah commentaries including Bartenura, Ikar Tosafot Yom Tov, Rambam, Yachin, Boaz, Gra and Rosh Mishantz
  • Over 30 Talmud Bavli commentaries including Rashi, Tosafot, Ritva, Rashba and Rosh.
  • Other genres include Midrash, Halalkha, Kabbalah, Liturgy, Philosophy, Chasidut, Musar, Responsa, and more.

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