MiDoze app
MiDoze is the easiest way to download firmwares for Xiaomi wearables. You can even use it with older Android devices: it supports at least Android 4 (aka Ice Cream Sandwich), though for full compatibility you'll need at least Android 5.
- User-friendly GUI
- Material Design 3
- English and Russian GUI languages
- Light and Dark themes
- Shortcuts (since 1.1.0)
- Explore firmwares feed
- Adaptive feed column count (since 4.0.0)
- Feed cache (since 4.0.0)
- Search a device using the SearchView
- Favorites (since 2.0.0)
- Request host chooser
- Request region chooser
- Full languages names in response
- Built-in download provider
- Compose custom requests with Custom request in settings
- Update checker (since 2.1.0)
- Bottom navigation bar (since 4.0.0)
NOTE: the git repository of this app was archived, so future updates are unlikely.