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Dash Wallet for Android

10.2.0 GPL-3.0-or-later

Keep Dash in your pocket, on your own phone

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10.2.0 (102000)
Dash Core Group
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Dash Wallet app

Have your Dash always with you, in your pocket! You pay by quickly scanning a QR
code. As a merchant, you receive payments reliably and instantly. Dash Wallet is
the first mobile Dash app, and arguably also the most secure!


* No registration, web service or cloud needed! This wallet is de-centralized and peer to peer.
* Display of Dash amount in DASH, mDASH and µDASH.
* Conversion to and from national currencies.
* Sending and receiving of Dash via NFC, QR codes or Dash URLs.
* Address book for regularly used Dash addresses.
* When you're offline, you can still pay via Bluetooth.
* System notification for received coins.
* Sweeping of paper wallets (e.g. those used for cold storage).
* App widget for Dash balance.


All translations are managed via Transifex:

You can find more about Dash at https://www.dash.org/.


* A recommended mobile wallet by https://www.dash.org

Use at your own risk!

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