Railway station photos icon

Railway station photos for Android

16.0.0 MIT

Collect photos of railway stations for https://railway-stations.org

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16.0.0 (93)
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Railway station photos app

Support the https://railway-stations.org OpenData project with the Railway stations photo app. Select a country and find a station without a photo. Over 20 countries are already in our database, more to be added step by step.

Create an account under "My Data". You can contribute photos anonymously or with your nicknamen. If you like you can define a link to a social media profile of yours, e.g. Twitter, then we add it to all of your uploaded photos.

With the station map you can find your location and stations nearby. Stations can be filtered by if they already have a photo or not. You can mark a station as inactive or report missing stations by long clicking on the position on the map.

You can enable notifications of nearby stations when you are on a tour.

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