Gridle icon

Gridle for Android

1.18 GPL-3.0-only

Simple android word game

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1.18 (118)
Bill Farmer
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Gridle app

Guess those words
Move letters in the grid to make a gridle of words. It's a good idea to use a soft tipped stylus to see what you are doing, as it's difficult to see past stubby fingers.
Display colours
Letters which are in the word but in the wrong place will turn yellow. Remember this can be in both directions. If they are in the right place they will turn green. If they are not in the word they will turn grey. Keep trying until you have guessed all the the words. The colours may be changed by selecting Highlight colours in the menu.
Tap the Refresh button in the toolbar to clear the display and generate another gridle of words. Words are chosen at random from a list, and are checked that they haven't been used recently.

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