Geometric Weather app
Geometric Weather is a free and open-source Android weather app. This build flavor has all proprietary dependencies and related code stripped out to make it eligible for inclusion on F-Droid. In the app, you'll find:- Real-time temperature
- Daily forecasts up to 15 days, and hourly forecasts for the next 24 hours
- Air quality and allergen information
- Severe weather and precipitation alerts
- Automatic dark theme
- Custom icon themes
- Large selection of home screen widgets for at-a-glance information
- Live wallpaper
- AccuWeather
- OpenWeatherMap
- Météo France
- Network (ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE, INTERNET): Allows the app to fetch weather data from providers over the Internet
- Background updates (RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED, WAKE_LOCK, FOREGROUND_SERVICE, SET_ALARM): Allows the app to refresh weather data in the background
- Tile (EXPAND_STATUS_BAR): Allows the app to launch itself from Quick Settings
- Location (ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION): Allows the app to show weather in your current location
- Storage (READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE): Allows the app to set the live weather wallpaper and/or widgets on some devices
- Ignore battery optimizations (REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS): Prevents the app from being killed in the background. Potentially more reliable method for fetching background weather data on some devices
- Read phone state (READ_PHONE_STATE): Required by an app dependency: not actually used, but can't be removed. It's okay to never enable this.