ExtClipboardManager app
ExtClipboardManager is an enhanced clipboard manager. It is to inject the code when ClipboardService starts, and intercept and mark the key methods such as setPrimaryClip before or after they are executed.
- Timeout auto-clear clipboard: customizable time setting in seconds
- provide application whitelist and blacklist mode: whitelist mode in the whitelist application will not trigger the clear clipboard operation; blacklist mode in the blacklist application will trigger the clear clipboard operation
- Text exclusion function: text matching the rules will not be automatically cleared
- Remember to check the system frame
- Input method may read the content of the clipboard several times after cutting, whitelist mode is recommended to add the input method to the whitelist, otherwise the number of times read is easily exhausted by the input method.
- In some cases, getPrimaryClip will not be triggered to read the clipboard, but the application can still read the clipboard, you may need to look at the source code to know what the reason is.
- Currently (probably) only available for Android 12+