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ClipboardService for Android

1.1 MIT

Service that accepts a string and saves it to clipboard

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1.1 (2)
Michal Cerman
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ClipboardService app

clipboard-service is a simple Android service that accepts the string and saves it to clipboard. It can be used to save string from computer to clipboard in Android device.


Run these commands from computer's command-line terminal. Device needs to be connected via ADB.

# Start service and pass a string value to be saved in device's clipboard:
adb shell am startservice -a eu.micer.ClipboardService -e text "SampleText"

# Invoke paste action:
adb shell input keyevent 279

Not working?

It can happen that you get this error:

 ~ adb shell am startservice -a eu.micer.ClipboardService -e text "SampleText"
Starting service: Intent { act=eu.micer.ClipboardService (has extras) }
Error: app is in background uid null

You just need to start the app via command:

adb shell am start -n eu.micer.clipboardservice/eu.micer.clipboardservice.EmptyActivity

or find the ClipboardService in the app list and start it manually.

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