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VueTube for Android

0.4.2 GPL-3.0-only

Video streaming client aimed to recreate ALL features from their respective apps

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0.4.2 (1)
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VueTube app

VueTube (pronounced View Tube: /ˈvjuːˌtjuːb/) is a simple FOSS video streaming client aimed to recreate ALL features from their respective apps (and more). It already ships with a great set of features:

  • Themes: Light, dark, OLED and all the colors of the rainbow! Set the accent and background color according to your preferences.
  • Customizable UI: Customize buttons, corners and disable parts of the UI that you don't use to get an optimal experience.
  • Auto updates: Be notified when an update is available, download through the app and downgrade if you don't like it!
  • Tracking protection: No telemetry data is sent from your device by default and we don't use external APIs. Privacy is neccesary!
  • Custom video player: There is a player integrated in the application with everything you need to be happy, such as 16x speed.
  • Translations: App is available in more than 25 languages! Default language is determined according to your device configuration.
  • Return YouTube Dislike: Enable dislike counters in videos again.
  • SponsorBlock: Skip automatically sponsors and annoying segments in videos.

And much more is planned

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