Starlight Launcher app
Starlight Launcher offers a reimagined home screen experience on Android. It is built around a search-focused experience to help you get things done faster. No more looking through walls of icons. Everything is right at your fingertip.
- Completely open source (
- A clean, minimal home screen.
- Play/pause music, skip tracks, right on the home screen.
- Pin any widget you need on the home screen.
- Built-in widgets such as notes and unit conversion; more are planned (weather, audio recording, translate)
- A rich search experience, including apps, contacts, math expressions, common controls like Wifi and Bluetooth, and even opening URLs!
- Fuzzy search
Starlight Launcher is still in beta. Expect bugs and major changes before release.
Starlight Launcher Plus:
While Starlight Launcher is completely ad-free in the free version, you can unlock extra features with the Plus version, including:
- Unlimited widgets pinning
- (Planned) Extension support
As a way of saying thank you, early beta testers (i.e. people who joined the beta program before the first public release) will get the Plus version for free!