PyConZA 2021 icon

PyConZA 2021 for Android

1.52.0-PyConZA-Edition Apache-2.0

Program app for the PyConZA conference

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Tobias Preuss
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PyConZA 2021 app

Conference program app for the PyConZA 2021 conference

About PyConZA
PyConZA is the annual gathering of the South African community using
and developing the open-source Python programming language. PyConZA
is organized by the Python community for the community. We'd like
PyConZA to be accessible to as many people as possible and to foster
unique solutions to the challenges we face in Africa.

* View program by day and rooms (side by side)
* Custom grid layout for smartphones (try landscape mode πŸ™ƒ) and tablets
* Read detailed descriptions (speaker names, start time, room name, links, ...) of events
* Add events to favorites list
* Export favorites list
* Setup alarms for individual events
* Add events to your personal calendar
* Share a website link to an event with others
* Keep track of program changes
* Automatic program updates (configurable in settings)

πŸ”€ Supported languages
(Event descriptions excluded)
* Dutch
* English
* French
* German
* Italian
* Japanese
* Portuguese
* Russian
* Spanish
* Swedish

πŸ’‘ Questions regarding the content can only be answered by the
PyConZA content team. This app simply offers a way to consume and
personalize the conference schedule.

πŸ’£ Bug reports are very welcome. It would be awesome if you
can describe how to reproduce the particular error in the
issue tracker at

πŸ† The app is based on the EventFahrplan app
which was initially built for the camp and annual congress of
the Chaos Computer Club. The source code of the app is publicly
available on GitHub at:

🎨 PyConZA logo design by Python Software Society of South Africa.

Issues and comments

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