Mumla app
A client for the Mumble voice chat system. Host or connect to one of the many community run public servers (see Mumla is an updated and maintained version (a fork) of the app Plumble.Some of the features:
* Certificate generation, import and export
* Browse public servers
* Voice activated transmission (the default), or different Push-to-talk buttons
* Bluetooth headset support
* Self-registration on server
* Access tokens
* Opus, CELT, and Speex codec support
* Automatic reconnection
* Tor support through the Orbot app
* Text-to-speech for messages (turned on by default)
* Light and dark theme
Voice activated transmission currently works best when using a headset. Echo cancellation and noise reduction needs work.
Tweaking the Detection threshold in the settings helps.
Mumla is copylefted libre software. Find out more at: