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µLauncher for Android

0.0.21 MIT

A distraction-free minimal homescreen for Android.

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0.0.21 (37)
Josia Pietsch
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µLauncher app

µLauncher is a home screen that lets you start other apps using swipe gestures and button presses.
It is minimal, efficient and free of distraction.

Your homescreen only displays the date, time and a wallpaper.
Pressing back or swiping up (this can be configures) opens a list
of all installed apps, which can be searched efficiently.

This is a fork of the app Launcher
by Finn M Glas.

Notable changes:
* Edge gestures: There is a setting to allow distinguishing swiping at the edges of the screen from swiping in the center.
* Compatible with work profile, so apps like Shelter can be used.
* This app uses the system wallpaper instead of a custom solution.
* The font has been changed to Hack.
* Font Awesome Icons were replaced by Material icons.
* The gear button on the home screen was removed. Instead pressing back opens the list of applications and the app settings are accessible from there.
* The search algorithm was modified to prefer matches at the beginning of the app name, i.e. when searching for "te", "termux" is sorted before "notes".
* The search bar was moved to the bottom of the screen

Whats New in 0.0.21

  • Added basic support for private space (Android 15).
  • Reintroduced the light theme.
  • Improved Portuguese translation.
  • Improved German translation.
  • Added version name to settings for easier identification.
  • Added a dialog for submitting bug reports.
  • Improved clock performance.
  • Fixed various bugs.

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