Dicio assistant app
Dicio is a free and open source voice assistant. It supports many different skills and input/output methods, and it provides both speech and graphical feedback to a question. It uses Vosk for speech to text. It has multilanguage support, and is currently available in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian and Spanish. Dicio answers questions about:- search: looks up information on DuckDuckGo (and in the future more engines) - Search for Dicio
- weather: collects weather information from OpenWeatherMap - What's the weather like?
- lyrics: shows Genius lyrics for songs - What's the song that goes we will we will rock you?
- open: opens an app on your device - Open NewPipe
- calculator: evaluates basic calculations - What is four thousand and two times three minus a million divided by three hundred?
- telephone: view and call contacts - Call Tom
- timer: set, query and cancel timers - Set a timer for eleven minutes
- current time: query current time - What time is it?
- navigation: opens the navigation app at the requested position - Take me to New York, fifteenth avenue