Al-Azan - Prayer Times icon

Al-Azan - Prayer Times for Android

1.17.10 AGPL-3.0-only

Privacy-first open-source muslim Adhan (islamic prayer times) and Qibla app

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1.17.10 (63016)
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Al-Azan - Prayer Times app

Privacy-first ad-free open-source muslim Adhan (islamic prayer times) and Qibla app

App features:

* Ad-Free

* Doesn't use any kind of trackers

* Open-source

* You can search for your location online Or use GPS offline

* Set custom Adhan audio

* Select different Adhan audio for Fajr namaz

* In addition to five daily prayers, it has settings for Sunrise, Sunset, Midnight and Night Prayer (Tahajjud)

* Many options for Adhan (اذان) calculation

* Light and Dark theme

* Hide times you don't need

* Set reminders before or after a prayer time

* Homescreen and notification Widgets

* Qibla finder

* Qada counter

* Is localized in English, Persian, Arabic, Turkish, Indonesian, French, Urdu, Hindi, German, Bosnian, Vietnamese

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