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聚在工大 for Android

4.13.5 Apache-2.0

All-in-one school service app for Hefei University of Technology students

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4.13.5 (158)
Chiu xaH
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聚在工大 app

HFUT-Schedule is an all-in-one school service app for Hefei University of Technology students. You can view your academic affairs information, school card information and Internet electric bills.

Whats New in 4.13.5

  • Campus Network: Rebuilt for improved performance and stability.
  • Quick Recharge (Xuancheng): Added a quick recharge option for network fees in Xuancheng.
  • Feedback: Feedback section has been relocated to Options - FAQ - Feedback.
  • Transition Animation: Changed the default bottom bar transition animation to fade in/out for better performance on less powerful devices.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug causing infinite confetti on the main screen.
  • Bug Fix: Resolved an issue where the exam icon in the query center was displaying a red dot of 0.
  • Display Optimization: Improved the display of the "About" and "Course Summary" interfaces.
  • Performance and Stability: Optimized the performance and stability of several early features with refactored data assembly code.

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