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Rsync for Tasker for Android

0.14 GPL-3.0-only

Tasker plugin actions to allow running rsync over SSH

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0.14 (215)
Matt Robinson
Automation, System
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Rsync for Tasker app

Rsync for Tasker is an Android app providing Tasker plugin actions to allow running rsync over SSH.

Tasker is a very useful and widely used automation app for Android with a plugin architecture that allows other apps (such as this one) to add extra functionality. This app provides the following actions for use within Tasker:

  • Generate Private Key - Generates a private key to use for SSH authentication
  • Get Public Key - Retrieves a public key from a previously generated private key
  • rsync - Run an rsync command to synchronise files to or from the device
  • dbclient - Run an SSH command non-interactively (experimental)

The packaged native binaries of Dropbear and rsync are my own builds which I keep updated with new releases.

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