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Port Knocker for Android

1.0 MIT

Port knocker client; supports one time sequences

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1.0 (1)
Darnell Andries
Security, Internet
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Port Knocker app

Port Knocker is a port knocking utility application for Android.


* Ability to save/use profiles
* Supports one time sequences, automatically rotates port sequence when sequence list is provided
* Stores knock history
* Ability to check open port after knocking, to check for a successful knock

Behavior notes:

* When using one time sequences and open port checking, sequence rotation will only occur if the port knock was considered successful.
* If using the one time sequence feature, the next port sequence will be shown between in the parentheses in the profile list.
* The connect timeout for each port knock is 1000 ms.
* History will store the last 100 knocks.

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