Pano Scrobbler app
Pano Scrobbler logs the music you play to, ListenBrainz,, GNU FM, Maloja, Pleroma or to a file on Android and TV.Features:
Supports phones, TVs, tablets, and Android desktops, including Windows 11
No ads ever
Scrobbles to Lastfm, Librefm, GNUfm, ListenBrainz, Maloja, Pleroma
* Scrobble to a CSV or JSONL file locally
* Interactive notification- view song info, edit, love, cancel, or block songs directly from the notification
View song, album, artist, album artist, and tag details
View scrobbles from a specific time, such as last year or last month
Edit or delete existing scrobbles. Remembers edits
Extract or Fix metadata such as "Remastered" with regex pattern edits
Block artists, songs, etc., and automatically skip or mute when they play
Check what your followed users are listening to and view their stats
Identify and scrobble a song from the microphone
* Scrobble from the S app and Pixel Now Playing
Import and export settings, edits, and blocklists
View charts with change indicators for specific time periods,
* Charts are also available as a customizable home-screen widget
* Collage generator
View scrobble count graphs and tag clouds
Get a random song, album, or artist from your listening history
Search Lastfm for a songs, artists, or albums
Fetch albums and album artists from Lastfm, if missing, before scrobbling
* Get your top scrobbles digests as a notification at the end of every week and month
Add or remove personal tags from the info screen
Mix and match themes
* Broadcast Intents for automation apps
Remember and see apps you scrobbled from and play directly in them