Memorize Your Classics app
Welcome to MYC (Memorize Your Classics)! This app helps you display, read, and memorize poems, ballads, epic poems, and other classic texts. 📚✨🎭
How it works:
- Tap the big red button to access your poem collection
- In the display screens:
- Navigate by tapping the right or left half of the screen
- See the current stanza, last two lines of previous stanza, and next two lines all at once! 📖
- Exit using standard Android back behavior
- When first installed:
- Add poems by tapping the "+" symbol
- Enter author, title, year, and paste your content 📝
- Save with the big red button
- Or import prepared text files via the import icon 📤
- Change poem IDs easily:
- Tap the 123 icon
- Enter any new 3-digit ID
- Move through poems automatically
- Tap 123 again to save
- 📱 Smart Display - See previous, current, and upcoming lines all at once for better memorization
- 🔍 Quick Access - Use the Text ID system for instant poem retrieval
- 📥 Easy Import - Bulk import function for prepared text files with simple syntax
- 🔄 Flexible Organization - Change poem order and numbering easily
- 💾 Privacy First - All data stored locally on your device
Comes pre-loaded with classics like "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, "Der Handschuh" by Friedrich Schiller, and "Der Zauberlehrling" by Goethe! 🎭📚
Created with ❤️ by Valentin.