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kubenav for Android

4.2.3 MIT

Kubenav is the navigator for your Kubernetes clusters right in your pocket

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4.2.3 (89)
Rico Berger
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kubenav app

kubenav is a mobile, desktop and web app to manage Kubernetes clusters. The app provides an overview of all resources in a Kubernetes cluster, including current status information for workloads. The details view for resources provides additional information. It is possible to view logs and events or to get a shell into a container. You can also edit and delete resources or scale your workloads within the app.

  • Available for mobile, desktop and web: kubenav provides the same experience for mobile, desktop and web, with nearly 100% code sharing.

  • Manage Resources: All major resources like Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, Pods, etc. are supported.

  • Custom Resource Definitions: View all Custom Resource Definitions and mange Custom Resources.

  • Modify Resources: Edit and delete all available resources or scale your Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets.

  • Filter and Search: Filter the resources by Namespace and find them by their name.

  • Status Information: Fast overview of the status of workloads and detailed information including Events.

  • Resource Usage: View the requests, limits and current usage of Pods and Containers.

  • Logs: View the logs of a container or stream the logs in realtime.

  • Terminal: Get a shell into a container, right from your phone.

  • Manage multiple Clusters: Add multiple clusters via `kubeconfig` or your preferred Cloud Provider, including Google, AWS and Azure.

  • Port-Forwarding: Create a port-forwarding connection to one of your Pods and open the served page in your browser.

  • Prometheus Integration: kubenav allows you to view your Prometheus metrics directly in the dashboard and to build your own dashboards via the Prometheus plugin.

  • Elasticsearch Integration: Discover your logs with the Elasticsearch plugin.

  • Jaeger Integration: Analyze your traces with the Jaeger plugin.

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