FridgeFriend app
FridgeFriend is here to help you remember what you have in the fridge. It provides a way for you to keep track of what things you have bought from the market, what things you have already at home, and where you go most frequently to shop. It keeps track of the expiration dates of produce and food, and will warn you when items are getting close to, or have passed, their expiration date. FridgeFriend will learn how you shop, where you shop, and your habits around how often you consume what you buy. Everything is kept on your device - FridgeFriend does not rely on an Internet connection to work its magic and does not send your data anywhere.
FridgeFriend is proud to be free and almost 100% open source. FridgeFriend contains zero tracking or analytic code, and fully supports both Light and Dark theme.
FridgeFriend is (apart from the Google Play Billing library) fully open source and developed in the open on Github. If you know a thing or two about Android development or just want to help out - please stop on by.
Note: this app will no longer receive updates, its source repository has been archived.