FindMyDevice app
Hello,So an explanation, I lost my new phone.
And because I don't use Google Services I couldn't locate it and so I was f*****.
In the hope that this doesn't happen again, I developed this application, that can locate the phone via SMS.
After it is installed, you can enter some entries in the list of phone numbers allowed to locate this device.
Just send a SMS with "fmd" to receive the syntax how to locate the phone.
- Locate the phone via SMS
- Lock the phone
- Let the phone ring
- Delete the phone
Planned Features:
- Recognize networks that are near the phone
- Locate the phone without GPS or network
I still can't afford a new phone, so if you want to help I am very happy to receive donations.
This application is still in beta.
If this app doesn't work, it's not my fault, it's the fault of the holy Satan and the missing lines that weren't on the right spot.
I try my best to develop the app, but I still have to work regularly.
So sorry, if it didn't worked out.