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Feeel - home workouts for Android

2.4.1 AGPL-3.0-or-later

A simple home workout/exercise app that respects your privacy

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2.4.1 (4241)
Enjoying FOSS
Sports & Health
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Feeel app

Feeel is an open-source app for doing simple at-home exercises. It holds the acclaimed full body scientific 7-minute workout regime and allows creating custom workouts as well. While the app currently contains a limited amount of exercises, the plan is to drastically expand the number of both exercises and workouts with the help of the community.

Contribute at https://gitlab.com/enjoyingfoss/feeel/wikis

Donate at https://liberapay.com/Feeel/ . Donations will let me work on the app regularly, rather than just in my free time.

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