Cuppa app
Cuppa for mobile devices is finally here! Tired of leaving your tea too long, to become bitter and cold, or drinking it too soon and not appreciating its full potential? Then this utility is for you!To make the app so quick and easy that you'll actually use it, we have built it with simplicity in mind. Just open the app and tap the button for the type of tea you're brewing. That's it. No need to navigate through complicated menus to find a particular tea, or fiddle with settings... unless you want to customize brew times or add your own favorite teas.
Once you tap, Cuppa will begin timing the brew and you'll see a teabag appear in the cup and gradually darken as the tea steeps. A countdown timer shows the steep time remaining. You can have up to two separate teas brewing at once, each with its own countdown timer. When the tea is done Cuppa will let you know with a notification -- depending on your device settings, this may be accompanied by a sound and/or vibration.
We hope you find Cuppa for your mobile device useful!