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Cineaste for Android

2.8.0 GPL-3.0-only

Find the perfect movie for you and your friends at a shared movie night

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2.8.0 (18)
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Cineaste app

Cineaste is the easiest way to find a motion picture for a relaxing movie night. Share your Watchlist with your friends and find common titles.

Cineaste helps you managing the movies you would like to see or which you have allready seen. The perfect matching movie for a movienight with your friends is just a click away. If you still can’t find the right title, movie descriptions and ratings will ease the way to the perfect fit! At all time your data is stored securely on your phone. Sharing your movielist with your friends works also over Bluetooth. So there is no third party in charge of your data! As we have nothing to hide we decided to make Cineaste Open Source! That means everyone can look through our sources and may help us to improve Cineaste. The link can be found on the bottom of the description. Cineaste ist from movie-freaks for movie-freaks. And because beeing nerdy together is way more fun, please recommend Cineaste to your friends!

You can start a movie night via Nearby. Nearby searches for nearby devices and matches their watchlist with yours. As a result you can see which movie is the most interested one by you and your friends.

Cineaste uses theMovieDb to get access to the big movie data universe.

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