Featured Latest Update New TopStay Put - Unplug Alert prevent casual theft of your device while charging in public spaces ★0
sms2call Make a call when receiving a defined SMS ★4
ShareAsQR app that allows sharing some plain text as a QR code ★6
NowiPass A password manager where you are the only one who has access to your passwords ★5
ByeByeDPI An Android app that runs ByeDPI locally and redirects all TCP traffic through it. ★877
Metrolist YouTube Music client for Android ★286
TerraTactician Expandoria Hexagon based logic game ★0
Weather: Cool and Hot Another weather app ★1
Valet The Bitcoin Lightning Wallet with Extra Features ★19
QRshare Generate QR codes on share intent ★15
ssrDroid OverTLS & SSRoT Android client ★53
Pixelix Pixelix is a user-friendly client for Pixelfed, a social platform for sharing photos and videos ★50
Octo An unofficial FLOSS Octopus Energy agile tariff monitor ★0
Katawa Shoujo: Re-Engineered (18+) A fan-made modernization of the classic visual novel ★0
Headphone indicator Show a status icon when headphones are plugged in ★12
venera A comic reader that support reading local and network comics. ★713
KNKPAnime Anime app with multiple source and danmaku support ★468
Sunup UnifiedPush provider using Mozilla's push server ★0
Memorize Your Classics Memorize poems, songs, etc. with this nice poem viewer. ★1
healthlog log health tests, incl. Cholesterol/Sugar/BP/RFT ★1