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UsbNmea for Android

0.4.1 MIT

Support for USB GNSS antennas on Android

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0.4.1 (6)
Martin Meyers
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UsbNmea app

UsbNmea is an Android application that aims to offer some support to USB GNSS antennas on Android.

Currently, it only saves the messages that it gets from the antenna to a file on your phone. I have made another app to convert that file to a GPX (as long as the output from the antenna follows the NMEA standard), but I recommend using GpsBabel on your laptop instead.

UsbNmea starts a service that should stay on in the background, which gets the data from the USB antenna and saves it into a file. To get the data from the USB antenna, I use the UsbSerial library from Felipe Herranz. Since his code is licensed under the MIT license, I decided to do the same for my code. If you like that, you can support him through the options he lists in the README of the UsbSerial library.

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