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URLSanitizer for Android

3.0.0 GPL-3.0-only

A simple tool to get rid of all those annoying tracking GET query from URLs.

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3.0.0 (25)
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URLSanitizer app

Don't like those tracking GET queries from the big brothers? Here, this app got your back.

Cleanup URLs when opening link
Sharing URLs to this app also cleans the URL

How to use:
Opening a link: Simply open the link with this app first, and choose the app you want to use to open the link afterwards.
Sharing a link: Share to this app first, and choose the app you want the link to share to afterwards.
Adding missing GET query(ies): Open the app, fill the query in, then tap on "Add Entry" button.
(Note. Wildcard is supported since 1.3.0, check default entries for usage)

How it works:

This app handles Android intent to open/share link, so the app can get the URL and modify it, get rid of those dirty query and create another intent for your original action.

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