TU Darmstadt Moodle Wrapper icon

TU Darmstadt Moodle Wrapper for Android

1.2 GPL-3.0-only

Open Moodle links of the TU Darmstadt in the official Moodle app

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1.2 (3)
Jonas Bernard
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TU Darmstadt Moodle Wrapper app

Open Moodle links of the TU Darmstadt in the official Moodle app.

Neither is this an officail project by the TU Darmstadt nor by Moodle. This is just started by me, a student at the TU Darmstadt, that has to much spare time.

The Moodle at the TU Darmstadt regularly sends me mails with Moodle links to courses, forum posts and other content on Moodle. I always read those mails on my android phone, but clicking on those links from the mails results in opening the browser. I installed the official Moodle App, and wanted the links to open in the Moodle App. As this is not nativly supported by the Moodle App, I sat down and coded this little app, that redirects links to the Moodle App.

After the app was finished, I wondered, if someone else could find this useful. The app is minimal and easy to use. Just install it, and all supported links can be opened in Moodle.


You will need to have and android phone with at least Android 6.0 Marshmallow and the official Moodle App with at least version 2 installed.

Which moodle links are supported?
This app supports the folloing Moodle URLs (https only):
  • moodle.tu-darmstadt.de (standard Moodle)
  • moodle.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de (computer science Moodle)
  • vorkurs.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/moodlevorkurs (Moodle for the mathematicans preliminary course)
  • wwwdid.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/moodle (some other probably outdated Moodle installation I found)

If the TU Darmstadt has any other Moodle URLs I should include, open an issue and let me know.

How to uninstall the app?

The app won't show up on your home screen. This is intended, as there is no need for a home screen icon. To uninstall the app, open your System Settings -> Apps -> search for "TU Darmstadt Moodle Wrapper".

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