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Exif Notes for Android

1.22.0 GPL-3.0-only

Quickly save important notes when shooting with film.

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1.22.0 (48)
Tommi Hirvonen
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Exif Notes app

Exif Notes let’s you quickly save important notes and exif data when shooting with film. It allows you to add frequently used gear such as camera bodies and lenses to your database. These can then be selected when adding new rolls of film and when adding new frames. When adding new frames you can save information such as time taken, lens used, shutter speed, aperture, location, custom notes and more.

You can export ExifTool commands for specific film rolls. You can upload these to Dropbox for example and download them on your computer. You can save the exif data to your scanned files on your computer using ExifTool by Phil Harvey and the ready made commands. In addition to the ExifTool commands you can export a roll’s data in .csv format. You can then use a spreadsheet programme like Excel on your computer to view the data in an easily readable format.

Exif Notes is a continuous work in progress and new features are added with future versions. There are other Android apps that let you do the same thing as Exif Notes. The objective of Exif Notes is to be fast and easy to use as well as easy on the eyes. It was born out of love for film and out of interest for programming. Exif Notes is a hobby project that I have been developing on my spare time. However, it is developed with good practices and complies with Material Design while being compatible with most Android devices.

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