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Petals Take control of your weed consumption ★94

8-Bit Wonders 8-Bit Wonders is a C64 and VIC20 emulator for your Android device. ★0

CTU Menza Dish menus from CTU cafeterias, offers a modern UI and functionality. ★48

Notification Dictionary An Android app to display meaning of the word as notification. ★163

DanXi Maybe the best all-rounded service app for Fudan University students. ★0

Drinkable Explore and create cocktails with ingredients from home ★128

Journal Keep track of substance usage to gain insights on consumption patterns ★103

Kepler-App App only in German! - App for the JKG Chemnitz with all important info ★10

Smouldering Durtles A client for WaniKani, with advanced features built in and offline reviews! ★75

Celestia Real-time 3D visualization of space ★104

Kanji Dojo Learn & practice writing Japanese characters ★271

Cifras o letras A simplified version of Countdown UK game-show. ★1

Musekit A simple note fork and metronome. No distractions. ★24

Pocket ReadLex Shavian spelling dictionary ★1

Seamless Offline speech to text translator ★20

Blitzortung Lightning Monitor Get an overview of the current thunderstorm situation ★112

AlexCalc Scientific calculator with LaTeX equation display ★28

NLWeer Dutch weather and rain radar app ★16

Better Schedule (Bakaláři) A faster schedule for Bakaláři. For students, by students. ★9

Calculator You Calculator You is a beautiful calculator for solving simple tasks. ★61